Mudarabah Saving Account
FMFB-A offers Mudarabah Savings Accounts in order to give you the freedom of easy transactions and the opportunity to earn a profit on the balance maintained in the account, without you having to worry about forfeiting your values.
When you open a Mudarabah Savings Account, you will receive free statements and effortless access through all channels of electronic banking. Our Mudarabah Savings Account is an easy and flexible way to save money that is also fully Shari’ah compliant.
Features and Benefits
You can open a Mudarabah Savings Account in either AFN or USD and enjoy the following features and benefits:
- Minimum balance: Not Applicable
- Profit will be accrued on daily basis and paid on a quarterly basis
- Profit will be paid based on the minimum balance being maintained at end of each month
- Unlimited number of transactions
- Availability of debit card issuance
- Immediate access to funds at our branches, through our network of ATMs, or by direct account transfer to another bank account
- Deposits may be made by cash, cheque, or direct account transfer
- Funds deposited will be administered in accordance with Shari’ah principles
- Direct Debit and money transfer facilities
- Regular monthly statements
- Easy management of your account via our Online Banking platform
- SMS Alert to confirm and update your latest banking transactions
Open Mudarabah Savings Account at FMFB-A
To complete the account opening process, personally visit any of our branches with the following documents:
- Original Electronic NID (Tazkira) or Original Valid Passport
- Passport size photo
- Utility Bill
- Completion of KYC Forms
How to Apply
For more information please call our Customer Service Centre by dialing 599 or visiting any of our branches.