How can I do transfer through P2P

By Using following steps, you can do transfer through P2P, for more information please use the P2P Guideline.

  1. Login to your online banking page
  2. Select transfer money option from Payment section
  3. Select New payee option from transfer type section
  4. Inter the details Phone/Email of account holder you want to transfer
  5. Enter AFN Currency amount and Confirm
  6. Write the description related to transfer
  7. Click the transfer button and confirm and then close the tab
  8. Must note the confirmation security code with your self
  9. Note the Payment ID from your Email/mobile number
  10. Logout from your online banking page.
  11. Go to the three line on the top left corner beside the FMFB-A Logo then select Claim option
  12. On the next page enter the receiver phone number/Email the security code and payment ID you noted before
  13. After that click the existing customer button
  14. On the account information section if the receiver is FMFB-A account holder select this Bank
    If the account holder is another banks user select Another Bank.
  15. On the last stage click the confirm button
  16. You will receive a confirmation message (Request submitted successfully)

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